Facebook=Fascistbook? Is the review team of Facebook run by Fascists?


On December 26,2018 I was temporarily blocked by Facebook. The reason was a blog called “Forgotten History-Mengele’s reluctant assistants”

Forgotten History-Mengele’s reluctant assistants

I had initially posted this blog on December 24 2016.It has been re-posted several times since and never any issues.

Then on December 24,2018 I re-blogged it  on Facebook and other sites.However this time Facebook’s review team deemed the post did not follow the Facebook Community Standards.. When I explained to them that the blog was about the horrific crimes committed by Joseph Mengele, and also that Facebook was in breach of  the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and specifically articles 18 and 19. They reviewed the post again and this time the blog did follow the Facebook Community Standards..fb2


Since it was according their standards, Facebook themselves re-posted the blog again.

Pass forward 5 days, December 31,2018 and I am blocked again for the exact same reason and the exact same post, which they had deemed to be okay 5 days ago.

This makes me wonder. who actually works at the review team in Facebook? Because at best they are incompetent and do not understand their own guidelines. Or at worst they are following a Fascist like regime where only their opinions matter and  are rule of law and they can change these laws whenever suits them,without anyone having the option to question those laws, For when it comes to the reviews, the review team is Judge,Jury and Executioner.

Worse even, my blog could have been reported by a Holocaust denier and Facebook warranted his or her request, therefore wittingly or unwittingly  being complicit in Holocaust denial, which is a crime in a great number of European countries.



  1. Moshe Blei says:

    I’m with you. Keep up your great work.


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