A Microcosm of a United World

Until recently I had a Peugeot 407—very much like the one above.

A few years ago it functioned as a microcosm of a united world. I was doing a course in web design, and several times I gave a few of my fellow students a lift to town, or near to where they lived after the lessons.

There was a Polish Jew, a Somalian Muslim, an Irish atheist, and me a Dutch Christian. Never did we have a disagreement, we listened to each other and respected each other’s point of view,

This was mainly because we didn’t look for what divided us, but rather not what united us.

We all liked web design, we all liked my car, and above everything we all had a passion for music. Every lunch hour in the college we would have lunch together, and were often joined by an elderly Irish Catholic man, and a girl from the LGBT community, they too have a passion for music.

This is how simple it can be. Don’t try desperately to look for what divides, avoid it. Embrace that what unites, it will make the world a much better place.