True Love-A 21st Century Love story.

Sun-tanned, Wind-blown
Honeymooners at last alone.
Feeling far above par.
Oh, how lucky we are!

I give to you and you give to me,
True love, true love.
So on and on it’ll always be,
True love, true love.

For you and I
Have a guardian angel on high,
With nothin’ to do.
But to give to you and to give to me,
Love forever true.

For you and I
Have a guardian angel on high,
With nothin’ to do.
But to give to you and to give to me,
Love forever true.
Love forever true.


BloodyMir Putin

Dear Comrade Putin,

You tell us that you don’t want a war. You are only conducting this ‘military operation’ in Ukraine to create peace.

You say you want-Mir-I believe that is ‘Peace’ in the Russian language. But if this is really ‘mir’ then please do explain it to that poor man in Odessa, who went out to the shop just to come back home, to find that his Mother,Wife and 3 month old baby were murdered by your ‘mir’

Please do explain it to that man, and do it face to face, don’t hide behind your soldiers. Man up and face this man, person to person.

However I don’t believe a coward like you is able to do that. But I am giving you the opportunity to prove me wrong.

Your mir is a bloody one. Are you Vladimir Putin the leader of Russia? Or are you BloodyMir Putin, dictator and genocidal maniac?

Only you can answer that.

The USSczaR

Dear Comrade Putin,

You are telling the world that you have carried out this military mission in the Ukraine, to protect its citizens, to rid it of Nazis. However you have not fully explained to us what you consider to be Nazis.

I would love it if you could just clarify that matter, to a simpleton like me. When you say Nazi, are you referring to the Ukraine’s Jewish president whose grandfather barely survived the Holocaust?

Or were you perhaps referring to the 10 year old school girl Polina, who was murdered on your orders?

Maybe it is the 2 year old Shpak who was murdered during a shelling ordered by you. Was he that Nazi you were referring to? Is that the type of funerals you want to see more in the Ukraine to achieve your goals?

Dear Comrade Putin, if you can’t explain it to me, maybe you can explain it to Oleh,Shpak’s Father? Because he asked “I don’t know if there is a God. What is this all for? For what?”

Dear Comrade Putin, your actions look a lot like that of a nationalised German Austrian, he also said in the 1930’s that he wanted to liberated the people in the Sudeten land and Poland. But he was a Nazi, So are you perhaps a Nazi, Comrade Putin? If so, the only thing for you to do to rid the Ukraine from Nazis is by withdrawing your troops.

Perhaps that isn’t your goal. Perhaps you long to the Russia of the days of yore? Where it was still part of the USSR and maybe you want to rule like Czar Nicholas once did. Maybe you want to become the new USSczaR.

If you ask me that is what you want to be. But people will not remember you as a Czar. They will see you like cowards such as Joseph Stalin and Adolf Hitler. That is what you real legacy will be.

Is that what you really want? It is not too late yet, you can still change that.


Is Vladimir Putin gay?

Let me start by saying I couldn’t care less if Putin is straight, gay, bisexual or otherwise. My philosophy is live and let live.

But looking at some of the anti LGBT rhetoric that comes out of Putin’s mouth ,one has to wonder why is he so afraid?

Is he afraid he might become gay himself?

Especially in the 21st century there have been a great number of political and religious leaders who passed, or try to pass, anti LGBT laws. A great number of them turned out to be gay or bi-sexual themselves.

Even in the 1920s and 1930s one of Hitler’s henchmen and enforcers of Nazi laws, Ernst Röhm, was gay.

It is often the case that people who are vehemently anti something, many times are that what they are so against.

Now I have no evidence that Putin is gay. He was married for 30 years but does that mean he is not gay? Of course not, I have several friends who got married and only later came out as being gay.

The fact that Putin is so aggressive towards anything LGBT makes me wonder is this because he has something to hide himself, has he put himself in a corner where he can’t come out.

This meme of Putin and Trump on a horse was meant as a joke, but isn’t there an element of truth in every joke?

The fact that Putin has used so many photo opportunities to show himself shirtless I find fascinating. Is it because he wants to attract women? I doubt there are women who find him attractive especially not without a shirt.

So why then? Does he want to attract men perhaps?

During the Sochi Winter Olympics in 2014 hundreds of visitors complaint that they checked into expensive hotel rooms only to find them decorated with seminude portraits of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The portraits, showing Mr. Putin shirtless and riding a variety of mammals, adorn the walls of virtually every hotel room constructed especially for the Olympics and were created at a cost of over two million dollars, Olympic officials said.

Maybe this whole invasion of the Ukraine is perhaps to prove his masculinity to the world . A way to show he is a real Men’s man.

I am not convinced Mr Putin.
