Himmler—In the End, He Took the Easy Way Out

Heinrich Himmler was one of the most powerful and notorious figures in Nazi Germany, playing a pivotal role in orchestrating the Holocaust and implementing the regime’s brutal policies. Born on October 7, 1900, in Munich, Germany, Himmler emerged from a middle-class, conservative Catholic family. His early life included a stint in the military during World War I, though he did not see combat, followed by agricultural studies, which were largely influenced by his interest in farming and his initial political apathy.

Himmler’s political career began to take shape when he joined the Nazi Party in 1923, quickly becoming involved with the SS (Schutzstaffel), a paramilitary organization initially designed to provide personal protection for Adolf Hitler and other Nazi leaders. By 1929, Himmler was appointed Reichsführer-SS, a position in which he dramatically expanded the SS from a small guard unit into a vast and powerful organization. Under his leadership, the SS became a central institution of terror and control within the Nazi regime, encompassing the Gestapo (secret police), the Sicherheitsdienst (intelligence service), and the Waffen-SS (armed military units).

Himmler’s influence extended far beyond the SS, as he was also named Chief of German Police in 1936, giving him authority over all of Germany’s law enforcement agencies. His vision for the SS was not just as a military or police force but as an ideological institution tasked with shaping the racial future of Europe according to Nazi beliefs. This vision included the implementation of pseudo-scientific racial policies, the promotion of the Lebensborn program to increase the birthrate of “Aryan” children, and the creation of a hierarchical society based on racial purity.

Central to Himmler’s legacy is his instrumental role in the Holocaust. He was the chief architect of the systematic genocide that led to the deaths of six million Jews, along with millions of others, including Romani people, disabled individuals, political dissidents, and other groups deemed undesirable by the Nazi ideology. Himmler oversaw the establishment and operation of extermination camps, such as Auschwitz, and the activities of the Einsatzgruppen, mobile killing units responsible for mass shootings.

As World War II progressed and Germany faced imminent defeat, Himmler’s fortunes waned. In a desperate bid to save himself, he attempted to negotiate a separate peace with the Allies, actions that led to his dismissal by Hitler. After the collapse of the Nazi regime, Himmler was captured by British forces in May 1945. Refusing to face justice for his crimes, he committed suicide on May 23, 1945, by ingesting cyanide.

Heinrich Himmler’s legacy is one of profound infamy. His actions and the policies he enacted represent some of the most egregious atrocities in human history. As a key architect of the Holocaust, his name is synonymous with the extreme and horrific capabilities of totalitarian regimes. His life and deeds continue to be studied as a stark reminder of the dangers of unchecked power and ideological extremism.

Heinrich Himmler’s fascination with the occult is a significant aspect of his personal ideology and the broader mystique he cultivated within the SS. Himmler believed that ancient Germanic traditions, folklore, and occult practices could serve as a foundation for Nazi ideology, helping to legitimize and strengthen the Third Reich’s claim to historical and racial supremacy. Here are some key points about Himmler and the occult:

The Occult and Germanic Mythology

  1. Ancestral Heritage:
  • Himmler was deeply interested in the concept of ancestral heritage and the supposed racial purity of the Germanic peoples. He believed that ancient Germanic traditions and the occult were integral to understanding and preserving this heritage.
  • He sought to revive ancient pagan rituals and symbols, seeing them as a counter to Christianity, which he viewed as a weakening influence on the Germanic race.
  1. Wewelsburg Castle:
  • Himmler transformed Wewelsburg Castle in Westphalia into a spiritual and ideological center for the SS. The castle was intended to be a cultic site for the SS elite, serving as a symbol of the order’s supposed connection to ancient Teutonic knights and mystic traditions.
  • The castle’s north tower was designed as a ceremonial space with a crypt known as the “Hall of the Dead,” where Himmler envisioned rituals that would connect the SS officers with their mythical ancestors.
  1. Ahnenerbe (Ancestral Heritage Society):
  • Himmler founded the Ahnenerbe in 1935, an SS organization dedicated to researching the archaeological, anthropological, and cultural history of the Aryan race.
  • The Ahnenerbe conducted various pseudo-scientific expeditions and research projects across Europe and Asia, attempting to find evidence of ancient Aryan civilizations and connect modern Germans to these supposed ancient roots.
  1. Pseudo-Scientific Practices:
  • Himmler endorsed and financed numerous pseudo-scientific studies and projects, often involving astrology, divination, and other occult practices. He believed these could offer insights into racial purity and the spiritual power of the SS.
  • He was particularly interested in alternative medicine and herbalism, which he saw as linked to the ancient wisdom of the Germanic people.
  1. Esoteric Beliefs and the SS:
  • Himmler attempted to create an SS ideology infused with esoteric and occult elements. He envisioned the SS as a knightly order with a mystical mission bound by rituals and an elite code.
  • SS initiation ceremonies and symbols, such as the Totenkopf (death’s head) and the use of runes, were infused with occult significance, intended to create a sense of sacred mission among the SS members.
  1. Himmler’s Personal Beliefs:
  • Himmler was known to consult astrologers and fortune tellers, and he believed in the influence of cosmic forces on human affairs.
  • His personal library contained numerous books on the occult, witchcraft, and ancient pagan practices.

Himmler’s obsession with the occult was not merely a personal eccentricity but a deliberate attempt to construct a mystical foundation for the SS and the broader Nazi ideology. By integrating elements of the occult and Germanic mythology into the SS, he sought to create a powerful, quasi-religious organization that would underpin the Nazi regime and its vision of racial hierarchy. This blending of occultism and ideology contributed to the SS’s sense of elitism and destiny, albeit rooted in dangerous and delusional beliefs.

By 1945, Himmler’s Waffen-SS, a military branch formed in 1940, numbered 800,000 troops, but he had lost all hope for a German victory. Believing the Nazis needed to seek peace to survive, he contacted Count Folke Bernadotte of Sweden and began negotiations. Hitler declared Himmler a traitor and stripped him of all titles and ranks. After Hitler’s death, Himmler contacted Supreme Allied Commander General Dwight Eisenhower and again offered to surrender if he could be spared prosecution as a Nazi leader. Instead, the Allies declared him a major war criminal. He was scheduled to stand trial at Nuremberg, but he committed suicide by swallowing a cyanide capsule before the interrogation. His last words were, “I am Heinrich Himmler!”









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