December 6, 1944—A Date That Means Little To Most But A Lot To Me


This is one of my most personal blogs. Even after stating that—there still will be people saying it is fake news.

The date in the title, the 6th of December 1944, means little to most, but it means a lot to me. It was the day that one of my uncles died. What makes it special (to me) is that my mother always told me I reminded her of him. We had the same mannerisms and even way of talking, although I was born long after he died.

His name was Johannes Jager, and he moved with my grandparents and his siblings from Friesland in the north of the Netherlands to Limburg in the southeast of the country. They settled in the town where I was born, Geleen, in the suburbs of Lindenheuvel.


There are no pictures of him because my family were—basically—immigrants, even though it was in the same small country. In the 1920s and 1930s, it was the equivalent of moving across the globe. They had to leave everything behind.

All I learned about him was he was a kind and generous man. He had poor health. I am not clear on what his ailments were, but suffice it to say, his parents worried about him.

When war broke out—he wasn’t allowed to serve in the army. It would not have done much good anyway. But he did his bit as much as he could.

He did not join any organized resistance group. He would do individual actions by sneaking onto farms of well-to-do farmers (some that actually did well under German occupation), and he would steal a chicken here or there, eggs or grain and flour to make bread. He would give it to his parents but also to others who were in need.

He knew that if he would ever get caught, he would face dire consequences, potentially death. One day, he nearly was caught when he and a friend were out stealing things, and they came across a German patrol.


They literally had to run for their lives. They encountered a few empty barrels and jumped in them.

The Germans shot the barrel that held my uncle’s friend, and he was killed immediately. There was a stroke of luck—Johannes’s barrel was left alone. When the coast was clear, he jumped out and went home.

He never stole from the farmers again.

On September 18, 1944, Geleen was liberated, and Johannes saw the liberation. The strain of the war and his ill health proved too much, and he died on December 6, 1944, the day the Dutch celebrated St Nicholas.
I would have loved to have met him, although I never did—I feel a part of him lives in me. He will forever be one of my heroes.

Vrij Geleen


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  1. christah2014 says:

    I was touched by your story, the history of a family living through a hideous time and coming out the other side. I have written a book that deals with the Holocaust. It is a fiction about a woman who finds she is reincarnated from the time of the Holocaust. I tried to give little snapshots of life for different people in different positions during that time. I would like to post this on the book Facebook page, if you will give me permission. I saw a share on Facebook button, but I wanted to ask your permission first. Here is the link to the page so you can see it before you make a decision. or you can share it yourself if you’d rather. Thank you. I am Christa Hedrick,


    1. dirkdeklein says:

      Hi Christa, that’s fine please by all means share it.


    2. I have a story coming out this year following a young boy from Friesdland who was hid at various farms by the no name underground. His older brother was on active duty, near the front as war broke out. He managed to get to the UK and came seeking his family as soon as the war ended. He was a driver for the Red Ball Express. The subject of my story eventually moved to the USA with his new wife. Pretty terrifying time to be in Friesland.


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